paint & finishes

A Pink Antique Vanity

A Pink Antique Vanity

In this post: I repaired the veneer and then painted, glazed, and stenciled a pink antique vanity.   When refinishing furniture, there are good deals, there are really good deals, and (best of all) there are the ones that are FREE! And that’s what this little antique makeup vanity was for me. My sister-in-law did…

How to Seal Milk Paint

How to Seal Milk Paint

I hate waxing furniture. I know that ‘hate’ is a strong word, but I truly can’t stand it. Now don’t get me wrong, a waxed finish can be so soft and beautiful on furniture. But the application gets me every time. It’s just so labor intensive. I don’t want to break out in a sweat…

Unleash your inner artist

Unleash your inner artist

Have you ever had the urge to grab a canvas and paint something? Maybe you’ve felt at least a little desire to create art, but then told yourself that you’re not creative….or talented…or artistic…or any number of negative things we tell ourselves from time to time, especially when faced with something new and unfamiliar. Or…

Verdigris Paint Finish Tutorial

Verdigris Paint Finish Tutorial

Verdigris. Isn’t that an interesting word? And apparently it can be pronounced in a few ways. One dictionary website said it was pronounced “ver-di-gree” (which is how I’ve always said it). Another site said “ver-di-greece”. And we actually have a town named Verdigris here is Oklahoma and they pronounce it “Ver-di-griss”. Potato, patato…let’s just find…