Valentine’s Day XO Pillows

I ran across these cute pillows while browsing on Pinterest.

I found out that they are sold by Anthropologie.

Then I found out that they cost $148 per pillow.

Uh, that’s a little out of my price range for a pillow.

So, like any good DIY’er would, I decided to make my own version of Valentine’s Day X and O pillows….

xo pillows_opt

 Anyone else thinking of Nacho Libre? Kiss kiss, hug hug, big kiss, little hug……

x pillow_opt

I bought a remnant of muslin for a whopping 67 cents. I also bought a couple of pillow covers from Hobby Lobby (on sale for about $4.00 each) and some down pillow inserts (on sale for $12.00 each).

I couldn’t find any pillow covers that were plain and I did not want to sew my own. The pillow covers I chose had a design on the front and a neutral, linen-colored back. I figured that since I would only use these covers for a couple of weeks out of the year, I might as well just use the backs of these.

The front side looks like this….

pillow cover back_opt

The first thing to figure out is how to cut the letters out of the muslin. I used the triangle from my son’s geometry set and a ruler to make the “X”. I used one of my platters to make the “O”. I just drew them with a pencil and cut them out.

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After cutting out the X and the O, I used my fingernails to fray the edges. I did this step while watching television, which resulted in my shirt and lap becoming covered in threads. This part is a bit messy!

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Next, I chose a pink colored thread and sewed a running stitch around the edges of each letter. I tried to keep the stitch length fairly close, but was not overly careful about it. It’s supposed to look handmade.

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I pinned the letter in the center of the pillow cover and measured out

some strips of Heat n Bond…..

heat n bond measure_opt


Then I took the strips of Heat n Bond and placed them under the letter (sandwiched between the letter and the pillow cover) and ironed….

x pillow iron_opt


Easy peasy!


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My husband came home and saw these and said, “Are these like X’s and O’s for the Super Bowl?”

He was totally serious.

But it did make sense because I am a football fanatic.

And the Denver Broncos are my team…..

broncos manicure_opt

Go Broncos!




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    1. Ha! The Broncos haven’t been in the Super Bowl in something like 15 years. So I’m living it up!

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